

A person who accompanies participants (learners, staff, young people or youth workers) in a mobility activity in order to ensure their safety, provide support and assistance, as well as assist with the participant’s effective learning during the mobility experience. In individual activities, an accompanying person may accompany participants with fewer opportunities or minors and youngsters with little experience outside their own country. In case of group activities in the field of education and training, qualified education staff must accompany the group to facilitate the learning process.


A person who accompanies participants (learners, staff, young people or youth workers) in a mobility activity in order to ensure their safety, provide support and assistance, as well as assist with the participant’s effective learning during the mobility experience. In individual activities, an accompanying person may accompany participants with fewer opportunities or minors and youngsters with little experience outside their own country. In case of group activities in the field of education and training, qualified education staff must accompany the group to facilitate the learning process.


Process to ensure that the organisations wishing to receive funding under an Action of the Erasmus+ Programme comply with a set of qualitative standards or pre-requisites laid down by the European Commission for that Action. 


Any participating organisation or informal group of young people that submits a grant application. Applicants may apply either individually or on behalf of other organisations involved in the project. In the latter case, the applicant is also defined as coordinator.

Application deadline

Final date for submission of the application to the National or Executive Agency to be considered admissible.


When a project is approved for an Erasmus+ grant, the applicant organisation becomes a beneficiary by signing a contract with the National or Executive Agency that has selected the project. If the application was made on behalf of other participating organisations, the partners may become co-beneficiaries of the grant. 

call for proposals

Invitation published by or on behalf of the Commission to present, within a given deadline, a proposal for action that corresponds to the objectives pursued and meets the required conditions. Calls for proposals are published in the Official Journal of the European Union (C series) and/or on relevant websites of the Commission, National or Executive Agency.


The principle under which part of the costs of a project supported by the EU must be born by the beneficiary, or covered through external contributions other than the EU grant. 


Two or more participating organisations teaming up to prepare, implement and follow up a project or an activity within a project. A consortium may be national (i.e. involving organisations established in the same country) or international (involving participating organisations from different countries).


A participating organisation applying for an Erasmus+ grant on behalf of a consortium of partner organisations.

The coordinator has special obligations foreseen in the grant agreement.


A stay at a partner organisation in another country with the aim of receiving training by following practitioners in their daily work in the receiving organisation, exchanging good practices, acquiring skills and knowledge and/or building long-term partnerships through participative observation.


Moving physically to a country other than the country of residence, possibly combined with a period of virtual participation, in order to undertake study, training or non-formal or informal learning. It may take the form of traineeships, apprenticeships, youth exchanges, teaching or participation in a professional development activity, and may include preparatory activities, such as training in the host language, as well as sending, receiving and follow-up activities.


An agreement between the sending and receiving organisation and the participating individuals, defining the aims and content of the mobility period in order to ensure its relevance and quality. It can also be used as a basis for recognition of the period abroad by the receiving organisation.


A body in charge of managing the implementation of the Programme at national level in a Member State or in a third country associated to the Programme. One or more National Agencies may exist in each country.


Any organisation or institution that has not previously received support in a given type of action supported by this Programme or its predecessor programme either as a coordinator or a partner.


An organisation involved in a Erasmus+ project, as either coordinator or partner.


A partner organisations is an organisation formally involved in the project (co-beneficiaries) but not taking the role of coordinator.


An agreement between a group of institutions or organisations to carry out joint activities and projects.

Receiving organisation

A participating organisation receiving participants and organising activities of an Erasmus+ project.

Sending organisation

A participating organisation sending one or more participants to an activity of an Erasmus+ project.


A person who, on either a professional or a voluntary basis, is involved in education, training or non-formal learning at all levels. Includes professors, teachers (including pre-school teachers), trainers, school leaders, youth workers, sport staff, early childhood education and care staff, non-educational staff and other practitioners involved on a regular basis in promoting learning.

Study visit

A  trip where the participant gets to know and study another organisation or institution, its practices and systems. It enables the participant to have a learning experience based on direct contact and on observation of the host organisation’s methods and practices.